Danse Orientale

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.

Spectacle de danse Baladi

Dans une ambiance feutrée aux lumières tamisées, Menthe et Couscous vous propose une invitation au voyage dans un somptueux royaume où danseuses orientales enflamment les convives qui n'hésitent pas à suivre leurs déhanchés.

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.

Belly Dance Supper Show

In its immersive environment, Menthe & Couscous invites you to visit a realm where charming belly dancers will spice up the mood with their enchanting movements.