Tajine au merguez
Merguez served in its sauce with vegetables (zucchinis, carrots, green beans, mushrooms, turnips), apricots, prunes and nuts.
Tajine à l’agneau
Lamb served in a lamb sauce with vegetables (zucchinis, carrots, green beans, mushrooms, turnips), apricots, prunes and nuts.
Tajine au poulet
Oven cooked diced chicken meat pieces in a chicken broth with vegetables (zucchinis, carrots, green beans, mushrooms, turnips), olives and lemon.
Tajine aux fruits de mer
Seafood cooked in its broth, vegetables (zucchinis, carrots, green beans, mushrooms, turnips), celery, cumin, olives and lemon.
Couscous poulet
The chicken couscous is a nutritious dish offering a mix of a low fat white meat along with fresh vegetables.
Couscous merguez
The Merguez couscous is a nutritious dish served with tasty Tunisian Merguez sausages along with fresh vegetables.
Couscous agneau
The lamb couscous is a nutritious dish offering a highly tasty mix of lamb shank with fresh vegetables.
Couscous royal
An easy to share popular dish, the couscous carries within the North African sun, heat and hospitality. The couscous is called Royal when it mixes lamb and chicken meats along with the Merguez sausages.
Couscous Baheya (1 choix de viande)
Baheya Couscous is exclusively served for this combo menu. Prepared using apricot, plums, dry grapes and walnut, mixed with spices and premium quality fresh vegetables.
Chorba (Soupe traditionnelle)
Made of Tomatoes, fresh celery, spices and vegetables, this traditional soup is a very popular one in North Africa’s countries.